2/19/2005 Ni-Ki-Oh! News


Staff member
Filming will commence once again during this upcoming week. Most of the rest of Season 3 can be created using CG technology, but there is still the matter of completing production for 'Losing a Mind' and 'Fall of Vacca,' where about one scene for each is required.

Next week, probably during the interval of Tuesday-Thursday, this will take place, during which we will also be shooting parts of 'Jolly Lackin Jelly', 'Inoculation Situation,' and 'Breaking the Yata-Lock' from Season 4 by request of cast-members.

'Ice Breaker' will be filmed during the next major snowstorm if it coincides with vacation,

but in any case, the following characters will be required next week:
Gozaburo Loser, Jokuba's Mother, Rare Hunters
(already notified), Jokuba.

At other random times, or ideally at the same time:
Bandit Rich, Niki Moto.
Edited by: Pegasus