Powisia Talk

Ted, CopperIxiMoon is not a sage, she's a registered sex offender.
Oh and Ted, keep your sages seperate from mine, we don't share the sages, we each have our own 7 sages.

Yeah, and Ted, I doubt the Mothman is a sage.
And I didn't cheat on Tommy, he was part of an even bigger plot formed by Lucifer, (Who I worked for at age 9-10) to destroy every form of power on earth, which included Claw Snuff, Tedoso, and Nicolai.
We were "killed off".
And apparently, Tommy, was the "brother" of Christ.
Now, for some reason, Lucifer sent Tommy to destroy us all at "Our World", where he wouldn't be seen as a strange talking cat, because of Felinia.

I get very scared because when ever I fall in love, it's always been with a sage, so I stay away from love.

Now it is true, I did work for Lucifer.
As did Little Nicky J, Matty J, and Ashley.
We wanted more power, because we were experimenting with witchcraft at the time. This has had many effects on our life, and that's why we act so strange.
Clare I know for a fact that I do not have 7 sages. There are definitely 7 in total. But I remember that Indrid was a sage. And yes Capriximun was a sage. I have her name right here on the list of the 7 sages and their powers you gave me last winter. Capriximun lives in the Jungle temple and her power is Wind. If Indrid and Capriximun weren't sages, there would only be 5. And I remember how Nimue tried to pass herself off as your daughter too, although we discovered that was a lie.

If I remember correctly 2 of the sages went to each of us when we went to our different lands. The seventh sage is the anti-sage and was mythological as far as we knew. Neir and Drelaf were your sages, Tocts and Capriximun were Nicolai's, and Indrid and Twathme were Pessuga's sages. You are remembering Tocts with you because when Nicolai was in the ocean with the anti-sage, everyone thought he was dead so his sages joined you on Powisia to protect you.

I will explain it better in the series, since you are obviously missing a lot of your memories.
Capriximun is not a sage, she was one of the teenagers murdered by Tommy.
Ted you had 7 of your own sages.
I only know of three.
I don't know any of Nick's sages.

Now, why haven't you told me you remembered before?
You mentioned Waria in the first few weeks of me knowing of Powisia...
The only thing that would be really scary, is that if Jinjonator turned out to be a sage... lol :p :p :p
And you've made a mistake on your piece of paper...
Drelaf is the Wind Sage.
Claw Snuff said:
Therefore 7 sages were assigned to all of us to keep our powers intact...

See? That shows that there were only seven sages in total. The seven were assigned to all of us. Just look at the text. It doesn't say that each of "us" had our own seven sages. The seven sages were assigned to all of us.
I agree with Nick on this one. You can't argue with the text, Claw. Also Caxe and Haluet were not sages, they are the names of places in the Warian mountains.
F*** you Ted.
Those are not places.
Caxe was the crystal sage of yours, and Haluet was the fire sage.
They are not places, seriously Ted, I've seen all the sages.
I just don't remember all of their names.
And there are no cities or places other than these three:
Clare how dare you try to say that I don't have place names on my own island!

The place I named Caxe myself was the crystal geode in the Warian mountains where Twathme liked to stay. So maybe that is why you thought it was a sage's name. Because it was a sage's quarters.

Also Haluet was the name given to the place where Neir's body was burned - that is, the spot her "funeral pyre" was set. Unfortunately for you, you were under Tommy's spell at this point and believed Neir had died when she stabbed herself. That was not exactly the case, and you wouldn't know because the story was that she stabbed herself when she couldn't find you. So if you had been there to see how she died, you wouldn't have thought the burning body of Neir at Haluet was actually a sage named Haluet practicing his fire powers!
Ted, Tommy never had me under is spell, that's why I refused to marry him, I knew what he was about to do, I see the sages' deaths every night so shut the fuck up, I know what I'm talking about.
Here's the rest of the Chapters

I marched up the mountain with my troops. We could see the palace in the distance. I cried a bit and yelled out "Ted, why did you start this?"

Meanwhile at Tedoso's palace.
Serebii calmly said " You know we still have some work to do."
Tedoso sat there confused.
"You have to make up with Thomas. He is angry and unstable. He calls himself the prince Astea. Should we trust him?"
"I'm not sure." Tedoso said nervously.
"I have to go back to Felinia. Dittonian requests my presence. He says something happened when we were off in Egypt."
"Okay you can go."
*Serebii fades away.*

When Serebii got back to Felinia the cats were not loyal.
"What is with you cats? We're the royalty here! Not any strangers!" Serebii said frustrated.
Dittonian asked "Who is the prince now?"
The crowd grew more angry and Serebii, Dittonian, and the other royal cats fled to Egypt.

Meanwhile at Waria we were knocking guards unconsious in the courtyard. We saw the palace gates and ran to them.

To Be Continued

We rammed the gates open. And I ran towards my brother. I asked him,
"Why are you doing this?"
"Doing what?" my brother asked back.
"Trying to kill me!"
My brother sat there confused.

Meanwhile Tommy was at Powisia.
"Get prepared for the wedding."
"Yes, a wedding"

Nicolai was unconsious, lying in the snow. He woke up not remembering anything at all. Wild dogs were across a bridge waiting for him to cross.
"Where am I? All I remember is playing Super Smash Bros. Melee and then... I'm here."

As of that moment I was on my boat heading back to Powisia. My soldiers were coaxing me as I sat there unsure of my future.

I am sitting at my throne, crying.
"What the hell am I supposed to do!"
One of my soldiers assured me,"Nothing. Just stay where you are and trust no one."

A mad man runs in screaming jibberish.
"Guards! Sedate him!"
"What's your name?"
"What do you want from me? Riches, food, advice?"
"The wind sage, Drelaf, says that death is creeping upon our land."
"Is that all he ever says, Jinjonator?"
"Possibly. But it's because it's the truth."
"You are dismissed."
A soldier then walked up to me and said,
"Prince Thomas would like to see you in private."
I hesitated, but asked, "Where is he?"
"At the base of the volcano."

My guards marched me over, and then left us alone.
" I asked you here, because of something special..."
I stood there still scared for my life, because I was all alone with him in the jungle.
"Will you marry me, Claw Snuff?"
"I don't know right now."
"But, we're seriously in love. Why not?"
Tommy stood there defeated.
"I will not marry you. Guards!"
"But, Claw!"
"I'm sorry, I'm not ready for that commitment yet."
I went to sleep that night at 11:26.
To Be Continued
CH 16 The Coming of Tommy
One night, it was the finale of the first season of American Idol. I was sitting on my yard's front steps when a black and white tabby kitten walked up to me...
It was the cat that waits for it's mother which never comes home. Filled with grief, I took him inside. When I told my mother she let me keep him.
"I shall name you Tommy."
I don't know why I insisted on that name.

I quickly fell in love with the cat, and one day I thought I asked me this:
"Will you marry me, Claw?"
I replied, "Yes, Tommy, I will."
(I had that conversation on film but it has been taped over.)

Over the year we were inseparable. I never knew how much I was connected to the cat until I remembered the dream. I still loved him no matter how we were connected. I showed my friend Erin a picture of him, and she thought I should put it on the pictures of pets bulletin board. I showed it to Scott and he thought Tommy was cute.

No matter what... I still remember what he said to me.
"We will go back, Claw. We will."
To Be Continued
Chapter 17 Kingdom Hearts and The Hooded Darkness
It was the year 2003. I was 8 years old. I can't say exactly how many memories came to me because of this game. But there were at least 100, and each of them in the language of the past. Each one has embedded itself in my mind. Each one seems so... sad. I can remember the suicides of the sages. I cry every night because the memories won't leave. None of my friends understand except Erin, (Neir) who was a sage herself.

I will tell you how the sages all committed suicide:
Tocts (Scott): Jumped off a cliff into the water.
Drelaf (Albert):Hung himself.
Twathme (Matthew): Froze to death
Neir (Erin): Stabbed herself when she couldn't find me in the morning.

The Hooded Darkness, which was from my first dream was before Kingdom Hearts was released. The Hooded Darkness looks a lot like a nobody. This is strange since I had the dream before even hearing about KH2. However in a year or so after about 60 dreams the Hooded Darkness wasn't just a black trench coat anymore. It became yellow with orange designs. This confused me a couple of times when it visited me. It only can visit on the days that I have the memories. But even then, it rarely shows up for the occasion.

Kingdom Hearts 2 brought up at least a few memories of mine. Not as many as the first one. However when I went to sleep at 11:26 and woke up in 2003 at 11:26... That could be considered birth by sleep.

This is mentally painful writing this, so I'll stop for today. I am scooping to far into my memories. And please don't ask me about this. It hurts enough just to write about the suicides.
This story isn't over just yet.

Chapter 18: The Coming of Lucifer

1 year after the dissapearance of Tommy.
Matthew and I sat there with our cauldron filled with hot water and herbs. Nicky was walking up to us, with a smile on his face. Today was the day we would get our powers. We walked out to a field and looked at the sky.
"Beautiful day, isn't it Matthew?" I said to Matthew. Ashley, Matthew, Nicky, and I joined hands forming a circle, and repeated,
"Lucifer, prince of devils, come for us."

We closed our eyes, and when we opened them we saw a black cat sitting there.
"You called, and I listened."
We bowed before him.
"Children, you do not have to bow in front of me."
"We wish to work for you, Satan." said Nicky, seemingly unafraid.
"I know, but first I must mark you as my own."
The black cat lifting his paw and slashed at our arms.
"The first thing I need you children today, is to release one of our own from the clutches of another person. Her name is Heather."
"Where might we find this other witch of yours?" I asked, determined.
"She is in Edgewater currently, but not for long." The black cat said with a worried look.
"Do we get a reward of some kind?" Matthew asked greedily.
"You get what your heart desires most, which is very generous of me." The black cat smiled and faded away.

I thought that he must know of Powisia, it's as if that what he was implying when he said what the reward was. But what if it was a trap? Why would the Devil pull me into a trap? But then, I remembered...
"Oh my god, that's the reason I didn't marry Tommy. He wanted to kill me... but that's not all of it, there was something else... I didn't die either... I fled to Egypt, where the priests and priestesses encased me in stone! They released me 50 years later while being invaded by the Assyrians..." The words escaped from my mouth while we were sitting under the willow tree we called "Dead Man's Hand"
"So, you're basically saying that not only did Tommy want to kill you, but he was part of an even bigger plot?" Matthew asked, perplexed.
"That's exactly what I mean, but what was this plot, and who formed it?" I said, as perplexed as Matthew.

"28 sages, four islands, four sources of power in our world... but what how was our death anything important to others? What did someone gain by killing children?" Nicky asked childishly, trying to cheer me up, because he was speaking in broken Trojisian with the Powisian dialect.

"Nick, I'm not sure of anything anymore. All we have to do is wait and see." I said, getting up to walk to the beach.

To Be Continued
Claw Snuff said:
Ted, Tommy never had me under is spell, that's why I refused to marry him, I knew what he was about to do... I know what I'm talking about.

Apparently you don't. You're getting defensive and twisting the truth. According to the original manuscript:

Claw Snuff said:
"Will you marry me, Claw Snuff?"
"I don't know right now."
"But, we're seriously in love. Why not?"
"No! ... I will not marry you ... I'm sorry, I'm not ready for that commitment yet."

You didn't marry Tommy at first because you weren't ready for the commitment. Obviously the stress of thinking your brother had a plot to kill you was too much for you at the time, so you wanted to put off the relationship.

But as you can see, your memories of the past stop at a certain point. Claw, this is the point where you started to fall under Tommy's spell.

Claw Snuff said:
"I'm sorry, I'm not ready for that commitment yet."
I went to sleep that night at 11:26.
To be continued...

This is where your memories of the past end, since you then pick up in the future. Whatever you think you remember of the past after you rejected Tommy is only in bits and pieces, and some of those pieces are just things Tommy told you. True you may have vivid nightmares about the suicides, but you were never actually present at the suicides, otherwise you could have stopped the sages from doing that. Claw, you must accept that memory is not perfect. It's a scientific fact that people remember things differently, and things from long ago get mixed with fiction and things people told you. Our memories often lie.

So please, do yourself a favor, and stop contradicting the text (as specified above). Doing so only diminishes your credibility. Any history of Powisia you write now, based on dreams and memories of any sort, must be subject to speculation, because of the great amount of time that has passed since the actual event and the vagaries of memory. Unless you are able to locate a carbon-dated diary written by one of the original sages with daily entries from the time of Powisia, you have to accept that you just don't know all the facts. Claw, you are not omniscient. Being the former princess hurt by those events who had a limited human existence (save for magical powers), your opinions, your point of view, and your memories are heavily biased.

You must listen to the testimony of others from that time period who were removed from your situation. Do not turn to the descendants of the sages for help now. The sages all committed suicide, and their mental states had to have been "insane" in order to be able to bring themselves to do it (that's the way the human mind works - it won't let you kill yourself). Can you trust people after they have gone insane?

And so on. Just calm down, and hear your brothers, who are indisputably older and wiser and who were also there at that time. Only then can we remember the most comprehensive history we can, though it will still have bias and inaccuracies to an extent.
Claw Snuff said:
Nicolai was unconsious, lying in the snow. He woke up not remembering anything at all. Wild dogs were across a bridge waiting for him to cross.
"Where am I? All I remember is playing Super Smash Bros. Melee and then... I'm here."

As of that moment I was on my boat heading back to Powisia. My soldiers were coaxing me as I sat there unsure of my future.
Whoa! Quite the anachronism! Super Smash Bros. Melee existed in Powisian times? Either that or Nicolai's memory was severely damaged. And either it is a coincidence that the ancient author wrote of what has been translated as "Super Smash Bros. Melee" (a mistranslation, perhaps?) or that puts authorship of at least this section of the text to at least the beginning of the 21st century C.E. That scenario could also be likely, that this section was added by a later editor to explain Nicolai's disappearance, since it seems completely unnecessary to the story and very inconsistent with the intentions of the author. And one cannot make the argument that Nicolai woke up in the 21st century because the text also states that "As of that moment" Claw was heading to Powisia, making it more likely that Nicolai's awakening was later augmented.

Claw Snuff said:
CH 16 The Coming of Tommy
One night, it was the finale of the first season of American Idol.
Claw Snuff said:
However when I went to sleep at 11:26 and woke up in 2003 at 11:26... That could be considered birth by sleep.
Anyone notice anything strange about this? Clare woke up in Ch. 15, before the finale of the first season of American Idol (which was in 2002, by the way), but then in Ch. 17 Clare writes that she woke up in 2003. This is an inconsistency. In addition, the historical event corresponding to Clare's discovery of Tommy actually takes place a few months before the writer specifies, harming the credibility.

Ch. 18, the most recently discovered chapter, seems to have been written by a completely different author with different views of the characters. In Ch. 18, they have become completely different characters, Satanist witches, with no backstory, or one that seems completely separate from the rest of the story. This seems to show evidence that a different author, writing from a different tradition, merged their own tradition of a separate lineage with what had already been written.

I therefore argue for multiple authorship of the body of literature about Powisia. Unfortunately, since these events and writings are from such a long time ago, we may never know, and debates on this shall continue.
This theory of multiple authorship only augments my suggestion to Claw Snuff that she should accept other accounts of this history.